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Reliable Bridge

New Office Address
Admin  - 12-02-01 2608
Dear valued customers,

We, SAMHWA TRADING CO., LTD., would like to inform you a change of our office location.
From Feb. 11, our office will be moved to the following address.

- New Adds -

4th Fl. Nakdong-daero 316 (Goejeong-Dong)
Saha-Gu, BUSAN, 604-813 KOREA

Telephone and Fax numbers remain the same.
Tel: +82 51 831 1660 Fax: +82 51 831 1670

For public transportation visit, you can use;
(Busan Metro Subway Line 1, Saha Station, exit No.1)

Your consistent and kind support will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

2010 SeaJapan
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